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 Moe-Joe Cell Fuel Mileage RESULTS

See Engine Performance Enhancements and Fuel-Mileage Improvement with the Moe-Joe Cell

"Got My Moe-Joe Working! "

Moe-Joe Cell Great Results

'In 2008 a spherical Moe-Joe energy cell was installed in a 1993 Saturn via its positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve intake. The car's carefully measured mileage jumped from 30 MPG to nearly 50 MPG. The car’s exhaust was measured to be approximately 90% cleaner. The car noticeably feels lighter as well as more powerful due to a possible anti-gravity effect. A second cell was also installed in a 1968 Dodge Charger with similarly positive results.'

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Results A 1984 Toyota Land Rover 2001 Lexus LS 400 1999 GMC Yukon Denali 2007 3000G.T. VG
  moe joe cell connected to toyota 1984 2001 Land Rover with Moe Joe cell installed fuel mileage improvement Lexus fuel mileage improvement Yukon Denali 2007 Fuel Mileage improvement with the moe joe cell 3000 GT great improvement in performance with moe joe cell




Noticed INCREDIBLE power increase. Up and down mountain terrain without losing power in my highest gear. My max speed increased from 55 to 65 mph! (and even faster)
Yes. More power accelerating, faster response to the gas. Also increased power on the highway, at higher speeds
Increased power was reported.
Car seems to run better. Improvement in the air quality of the air conditioner. Runs cooler.

Power that smoothes out the dyno curve. This Moe-Joe cell gives it power all the way through the RPMs.

Handling / Lightness
Going up hills my truck really felt much lighter and more powerful (worked harder with less feedback, rev'd higher without damage)
Much lighter on its feet. Changing lanes easier, turning a breeze, compared to its normal "tank-like" feel.
no data
The car is quieter and smoother and has a softer feel on the road.
no data
Fuel Mileage Improvement Experienced 54 miles /gallon. (quite a significant increase) of more than 200%.
Went from 12.1 MPG to 17.5 MPG on the highway (45% increase)
Went from 16 mpg - 27 mpg on highway (++60%)
Went from 12.9 to 17.9 MPG overall (39% boost) and from 14.9 to 22.8 MPG on the highway (39%)

Avergaing 32.5 MPGand getting 35-40 MPG on the highway.

When i first got the car I was averaging 25 mpg. (34% boost) ***

Installation Method
Vacuum intake
Air intake
Vacuum intake
Vacuum intake
Vacuum intake
Results B Saturn 1993 Dodge Charger 1968 Honda Accord 2001 Grand Jeep Cherokee 1996  
  Honda 2001 Accord with Moe Joe cell installed fuel mileage improvement Honda 2001 Accord with Moe Joe cell installed fuel mileage improvement Honda 2001 Accord with Moe Joe cell installed fuel mileage improvement Jeep Cherokee with moe joe cell  




The car noticeably feels more powerful.

The car’s exhaust was measured to be approximately 90% cleaner.

Noticeably more powerful and reduced emissions measured.
Yes. The car had faster acceleration and more power. Even more power when accelerating on the highway, between 3000-4000 RPMs

Previous Handling and engine sound; Semi-loud with a small vibration.

Handling and Engine sound with moe-joe cell; 80% silent and can be given the term, "Quiet Power".

Able to go 0 to 60 in 12 seconds, rather than 18 seconds with only the Gas pedal half-way to the floor.

Engine noise is in the 30 to 40 range when outside. Able to hold a 80 MPH speed with a 1/4 gas pedal push rather than a 3/4 push.

Handling / Lightness
The car noticeably feels lighter due to a possible anti-gravity effect.
Noticeably lighter.
Handled lighter on its feet.

Previous: Handling when you turned hard, the power steering pump would whine.

With moe-joe cell: Handling is lighter than before. Current handling: Tight and smooth.

Fuel Mileage Improvement
The car's carefully measured mileage jumped from 30 MPG to nearly 50 MPG (66.7 % improvement)
~60% fuel mileage improvement
no data
Previous Average Mileage of the Jeep with the Pulstar; 14 MPG average.
With the Moe-Joe cell; 20 MPG average. 43% fuel mileage improvement.
Installation Method
positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve intake
positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve intake
Air intake
more info from this moe joe cell installation here.  


Note 1 - With Diesel engines it is a MUST that there be some vacuum intake. Most regular diesels have not had any results because they do not have a vacuum intake. With TURBO diesels, results have been happening - because of the vacuum before the turbo. Results have been around 20% fuel mileage improvement, and a boost in power and performance.


*** Note 2: The 3000 GT got these moe joe cell results with Hydroxy. The owner used the Moe joe to create lots of gas. See the Testimonials page for more info.


All Contents Copyright © 2003-2011 Moshe Daniel Block, N.D.

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