Setting up Your Charging Kit - Setting up Your Car Kit - Charging Videos - Charging Methods
NOTE - You do not need a charging kit to get your Moe-Joe working in your car. The charging kit helps, yes, and it can help prepare the water, charge it up and help clean out impurities in the water. However, some people are getting just the car kits, sealing them up and filling them with water, (or other methods here to charge your car kit without a water charging kit ) (ideally, water that has been prepped in some way - water charging kit, water vortexer, or ring generator) and then charging with a low voltage, low amperage so as to not create scum - you do not want scum in the car kit at all (that is what the charging kit aims to completely remove). For all assembly methods, polishing is recommended.
click here for discussion on design and
application of the Spherical Moe-Joe Cell
TSetting up Your Charging Kit
Charging Videos

This is the most charged water ever!

The Process of ELECTRICALLY Charging Your Moe-Joe cell
Method 1 - Conventional DC charging with VARIAC and bridge rectifyer
Method 2 - Pepe's circuit and charging method
Method 3 - Chris' Circuit
Method 1 - Conventional DC charging with VARIAC and bridge rectifyer
i) Get a VARIAC at your local electronics parts store - Radioshack won't do the trick. You will need a more specialized electronics store. Cost between $60 - 120 USD.
Examples of different Variacs - they alter the Voltage between 0-130 VAC (in North America)
ii) a) Get a three pronger plug from your electronics store. b) Connect the plug to a BRIDGE RECTIFIER (BR) - also obtained from a specialized electronic parts store. Get the value of at least 3 amps on the BR and at least 200 Volts.

Image of a Bridge Rectifier
c) You connect the hot AC wire from the plug to one of the sides of the BR that indicates AC and the neutral plug on the wire to the other side of he BR that indicates AC. NOTE: it does NOT matter whether you put the neutral or HOT AC wire to which side of the BR's AC side - because they are both alternating, so it doesn't matter.

Note: Where it says AC is where one of the wires of the plug goes, and the other opposite cross corner, (ie top left) would be where the other AC wire goes from the plug.
d) Now, get yourself two good lengths of wire in a nice thick gauge - I say minimum of 18 AWG gauge. That is a good gauge to work with here. 20 AWG is getting a little flimsy, but can work as well, but it's the limit. Now, where it indicates + on the BR is where you will connect your wire that will go to the OUTSIDE Sphere of your Moe-Joe cell. The minus is situated on the opposite cross corner, therefore, in this image, it would be the back right corner. Connext a nice long length of wire to this -ve corner, and this wire will then be brought to the Cathode bolt that comes out of the BOTTOM of the cell and that feeds up to the innermost 2" sphere, bringing the -ve electricity.
Note: It is good to have the VARIAC and BR at least 5-10 feet away from the Moe-Joe cell, so make the wires nice and long.
Note: I suggest putting a Capacitor of 450 uF (microfarads) and rated for at least 200 Volts in Parallel across the +ve and -ve wire. This means that the two arms of the Capacitor reach ACROSS the +ve wire and the -ve wire and are connected that way, with the +ve side of the Capacitor on the +ve wire, and the -ve part of the Capacitor on the negative wire.

note: VARIAC is plugged into wall, and another plug leaves VARIAC from the front (usually) connecting to the BR.
iii) a) Install a Multimeter set to measure CURRENT in series on the +ve line (can be -ve too). Install the Moe-Joe in a charging VAT as per the following video example - Moe-Joe cell charging Kit Assembly into glass jar mounting for Kit 1 and 2 -
b) Fill up the VAT with fresh, clean, LIVE water, (if possible - though some bottled waters will do well - Whole Foods sells a decent spring water for 99c / gallon) - Live clean water from a source or a well is ideal. Fill the VAT so that at least 1.5" of water is above the top of the 5" outer Moe-Joe sphere.
c) Turn on the VARIAC so that the current begins flowing. Adjust the VOLTAGE on the VARIAC to around 60-80 volts AC, so that the current reads close to 1 AMP. Charge for 1-3 minutes 4-6 times /day until the water gets filled with a brownish, orangy fluffy "scum." then filter the water, using 2 Blue Shop towels (available at Home Depot)

- Rinse the cell thoroughly with tap water at least 2-3 times by filling up the VAT and then pouring it out and letting it drip as much as possible. Refill the vat and repeat charging process. Do not disassemble the cell. If it is left intact, it will begin to accumulate a charge. If disassembled, you will go back to square 1.
Note: As you continue to charge and filter, bubbles will begin to form and stay on the surface. When these bubbles become a foam, and there is a "smokestacking" flow of bubbles out of the two top holes of the moe-joe, you're getting good and charged water. You will notice, after 2-3 filtrations, the water will be like cafe latte.

Note: NEVER overcharge, so be aware not to leave the cell charging unobserved. I have done it at least 5 times, where i forgor i was charging and left it on overnight or for hours and hours, and the cell was basically damaged, and twice it was ruined - never the same.
Note: Once the water is retaining a nice charge, and there is a residual voltage across the cell of at least 1 - 1.5 volts for at least 12 hours, you're ready for that water to be installed into the Car Cell and into the car.
Method 2 - Pepe's circuit and charging method

This is Pepe's Circuit, hand-drawn by Pepe himself. It works very well, and works slowly, allowing for the water to gain full charge and the metal in the cell to slowly build up its residual voltage. This method, at one time, was highly recommended. Now it is a worthwhile experiment to get a feeling for different charging methods. Pepe also was able to run the car fuelless for some time. So this is a worthy circuit to play around with, though it is uncertain just how important it is.
Explanation of Diagram -
On the far left, you have a step-down transformer - from your input voltage (usually 110 Volts in USA, 220 V in Europe) to 12 V - which has 2 ends of 6 volts each. You place your two 6 volt leads across a bridge rectifier (BR), and then the +ve goes straight to the +ve of the Cell, and the negative from the BR goes straight to the negative of the Cell.
Pepe's portion of the circuit - after the +ve and -ve come off the BR, you have a portion which works as follows -
From the negative to the positive, in Parallel -
you have a Coil which is very easy to make - you wrap 11 turns of a 21 SWG gauage wire, around a pencil - then you take one of the arms of this coil and connect it to the rear of DIODE valued 1N5408 (which is rated at 3A 800 V - this is a good value, but doesn't need to be this high. It's a diode, so its purpose is to block the flow in one direction) - the cathode is pointing away from the negative and towards the positive and then connects with the tail end, or the anode of a 12V - 1Watt Zener diode, whose cathode is pointing toward the +ve lead and connects with a 1.2 Ohm ceramic resistor which is connected to the +ve lead. (E means Ohms in Europe apparently)
Charging Times with Pepe's Circuit
Method 1 -RECOMMENDED - Charge for 1 minute every 10 minutes for a total of NINE times. Then wait for 24 hours and repeat again. Do this 3 days in a row and then leave it for 1, 2, 3 days. Check your residual voltages each day. Also, check the energy field around the Moe-Joe. You will see a very powerful field building up. If you find the Moe-Joe keeps losing its residual voltage, charge again 1 minute and then leave it. Once the cell is installed in the car, you can use this method, charging only for 1 minute / day, to keep the charge on the cell. Do not charge with the car battery's positive, and do not leave the Positive of the car battery connected across the cell.
Method 2 - Charge for 12 hours then off for 12 hours. Charge for another 12 hours. Off for 12 hours. Do this, and filter if necessary, (though it shouldn't be necessary) until you see the water is darkening in colour - more golden yellow, and you have 1.2 - 1.5 residual voltage across the cell after not charging for 12 hours. Once you have around 1.5 residual volts across the cell (measured with a voltmeter/ multimeter across the positive and negative on the cell alone) after 12 hours, then leave the cell and do not charge for 48 hours. Then charge just for 20 minutes, and you're ready for car installation.
Note1: Leave the negative still on - so, have Pepe's circuit plugged in to the wall with a Power cord, which is going to the Primary input of the 12 V transformer, and just put a switch on the +ve lead from the BR to the cell - this way, the negative will still flow from the Earth ground and the +ve will be received from the atmosphere.
Note2: If you are using the charging kit and car kit setup, make sure to acclimatize the Car kit also with the charging kit and place it in its own container and put the charge on it until you see a build up of residual voltage. Once it reaches around 1.5 volts, it should be ready for car installation.
Note3: Once in the car, only the -ve is plugged in to the Battery -ve. No positive battery connection. It is possible, therefore, to bring Pepe's circuit to the car, and charge for a few minutes to keep residual voltage high.
Note4: Pepe suggests vacuum air intake for this operation.
Method 3 - Chris' Circuit
coming soon